المستخدمينPPatrick BoylePatrick Boyle
Surprising Urban Plants
Il s'agit des plantes des villes poussant dans des lieux inhabituels, normalement hors des parcs et jardins, par exemple plantes des friches urbaines, du bitume et des lieux incultes, ou surprenantes selon d'autres critères. This includes for instance city plants found at unusual places, in waste lands, pavements etc, generally not in parcs or gardens
Plants of Slovakia / Rastlíny Slovenská
Plants observed growing in the wild of Slovakia, including native and introduced (including invasive) species. Voľne rastúce rastlíny pozorované na území Slovenska, vrátane pôvodnych druhov, ako aj nepôvodných a invazívnych druhov.
🆘IUCN Red List plants from all over the world
In this group you can share your pictures of trees, bushes, flowers, grass etc. that the IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature classifies “Extinct in the wild” (EW) or threatened: Critically Endangered” (CR), “Endangered” (EN) or “Vulnerable” (VU). Don’t worry if you find these very rare plants in a protected place such a botanical garden or guarded park: it is highly probabile you find them in places like these.
Mountain species.
Species observed at altitude (mountains and high plains)
Cultivar group
For those like me who were brought up on a diet of family, genus, species, subspecies, variety, cultivar, hybrid but which PlantNet can't be bothered to catalogue.