Musa × paradisiaca L.
назіранае па
Andrzej KonstantynowiczAndrzej Konstantynowicz
20 жніўня 2024 г.


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Musa × paradisiaca Ліст
Musa × paradisiaca Ліст
Musa × paradisiaca Ліст
Musa × paradisiaca Агульны выгляд
Report issue
Дадатковыя даныя
Дата стварэння
21 жнів 2024 г.
Апошні перагляд
21 жнів 2024 г.
Łódź, Palmiarnia greenhouse
Bananas originated in south-east Asia, including northern India, Cambodia, Sumatra, Java, the Philippines, and Taiwan. Edible plant - fruits in any form; male inflorescences are eaten in curries or cooked with coconut milk; the inner stem can be boiled and eaten, or can be dried and made into a flour and starch; blanched shoots that sprout from the base can be roasted and eaten; the leaves are commonly used for wrapping foods that are to be cooked, especially glutinous rice dishes, they impart a distinctive flavour and a greenish colour; nectar of the flowers is consumed; the ashes of the plant can be used as a salt substitute. Herbal plant - the unripe fruits and their sap are astringent and haemostatic, they are eaten, often roasted, as a treatment for diarrhoea, the fruits are used to treat epilepsy, the peeled and sliced fruit is placed on the forehead to relieve the heat of a headache, the peel of the fruit is considered an abortive; the leaves, dried and made into a syrup, are used to treat coughs and chest conditions such as bronchitis, an infusion of the banana leaf, combined with sugarcane roots, is used to hasten childbirth, the leaves are applied as a vesicant on blistering, they are tied onto the forehead to relieve a headache; the pulp of the trunk is made into an infusion to soothe dysentery, a liquid collected at a cut stem is an antiseptic that is applied to furuncles and wounds; the roots are strongly astringent and has been used to arrest the coughing up of blood, applied externally, the juice of the root is used to treat carbuncles and swellings, the roots are strongly astringent and has been used to arrest the coughing up of blood, applied externally, the juice of the root is used to treat carbuncles and swellings. Usable plant - the large leaves are used as plates for eating food; the leaf sheath is used as a temporary binding.