DefnyddwyrRRaffaello 2 GarofaloRaffaello 2 Garofalo
The International Flora
Considering the current situation on planet Earth, where more and more plant species are endangered and many of them are in the process of complete disappearance, this group was created with the aim of collecting as many pictures as possible of plant species around the world. The main goal is to point out the large amount of biodiversity, which we should all strive to preserve. Feel free to post your pictures and contribute to the beauty of this group. All new members are welcome! 🌱🌳🌲🌹🌺🌷
Fleurs Blanches et Roses du Monde Entier 🩷🤍🌎
Partagez uniquement vos observations de fleurs BLANCHES ou ROSES (fleurs, arbustes,cactées…) du monde entier! 🌸🌷🌺🪷🌍 Tout le monde est le bienvenu! 😊 ------------------- 🇬🇧 Only share your observations of WHITE or PINK flowers (shrubs, cacti, etc.) from around the world! 🌸🌷🌺🪷🌍 Everyone is welcome! 😊
Plants are useful in many ways
This group is intended for collecting observations of plants which can be useful in any way for people. The main demand for to present here an observation is to accompany them with short information on how exactly this plant can be useful. This can be done in "Personal note" field. The geolocation is not a must, but strongly recommended for to maintain the planned, scientific characteristics of this group. In the "Place" field a more precise information of geolocation can be placed. My proposition is to use this field also for information about soil and environment of the plant vegetation. This proposition is very ambitious and time will show if the demands are possible to obey. Many thanks to all colleagues for the wonderful collection of observations!
Flora italiana 🇮🇹
Vegetazione tipica del territorio italiano.
🇮🇹 Piante Spontanee presenti sul territorio ITALIANO
Questo progetto è dedicato all'osservazione, identificazione e studio della vegetazione categorizzata come SPONTANEA, ossia piante, alberi, arbusti o fiori che crescono in maniera naturale e diffusa sul territorio Italiano e mediterraneo. Attenzione: le osservazioni riguardanti specie riconoscibili come non autoctone (e di conseguenza non classificabili come "Spontanee") potrebbero venire rimosse.
Medicinal plants, Herbs, foraging for wild edibles, practice in the field
Daily practice in the field, botany college/grade 11 (and up) identification of medicinal plants, herbs, increase foraging skills for wild edibles, differentiating similar looking plants, foraging in the different seasons. Craft of plants for culinary uses: oils,sugars, salts, jams,jellies, pickles, preserves.Bushcraft, Wildcraft, homesteading, to home gardening.
Aromatiques et comestibles d’Europe
Toutes plantes et fleurs comestibles
Botanical Gardens
For observations at botanical gardens and such which may have plants not native to the region, often having plants formally labeled.
UNKNOWN species indentification ❔🌲🌿🌻❔
🇬🇧🇺🇸This group made in case of help for identificate unknown species. If you are unsure, you share your picture and other group members will try indentificate this. I am also looking for applications from experts and hobby botanists, gardeners, and those who have some degree of plant identification. 🇩🇪Diese Gruppe leistete im Notfall Hilfe zur Bestimmung unbekannter Arten. Wenn Sie sich nicht sicher sind, teilen Sie Ihr Bild und andere Gruppenmitglieder werden versuchen, dies zu identifizieren. Ich suche auch nach Bewerbungen von Experten und Hobby-Botanikern, Gärtnern und solchen, die ein gewisses Maß an Pflanzenidentifikation haben. HUN: Ez a csoport ismeretlen fajok azonosítása céljából jött létre. Ha nem vagy biztos benne, oszd meg a képedet, és a csoport többi tagja megpróbálja azonosítani azt. Szakértők és hobbi botanikusok, kertészek, növényazonosítási képességgel rendelkezők jelentkezését is várom.
🇮🇹🌵Les végétaux Italien & Français🌵🇲🇫
Plantes fleurs succulents cactus en tout genres
Plants in Denmark 🇩🇰 italy 🇮🇹 and germany 🇩🇪🌿
Plants in italy, Denmark and germany. Questions and answers about House plants amongst the members of this group and lots of pictures. Recommended groups: planty☘️,House plants, plenty of plants, orchids 🌸
Plants of Greece / Φυτά και δέντρα στην Ελλαδα
A collection of plants found in the general area of Greece.
Piante spontanee della Toscana
Per noi che amiamo la flora spontanea della nostra meravigliosa regione.
Maremma (Sud Toscana e Nord Lazio) Flora spontanea e Flora commestibile - Maremma (Sud Toscane et Nord Latium) Flore spontanée et Flore commestibile - bilingue FR ITA
Postate e commentate tutte le vostre osservazioni in Maremma - Postez et commentez toutes vos observations faites en Maremma (grazie se possibile di aggiungere il luogo - merci si possibile d'ajouter le lieux) GRAZIE ☺️