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Datu gehigarriak
Noiz sortua
2022ko urt. 3a
Berrikusitako azkenak
2023ko urr. 9a
Cesarka, near Stryków
Probably evolved in central or northern Europe from wild Avena sterilis L.
Wind pollinated.
Edible plant - grains cooked an prepare different ways; raw - used for fermentation; oat flour produced in the dry-milling operation currently is used as an antioxidant in food products; the roasted seeds stand for the coffee substitute; an edible oil is obtained from seeds, it is used in the manufacture of breakfast cereals.
Herbal plant - the seed is a mealy nutritive herb that is antispasmodic, cardiac, diuretic, emollient, nervine and stimulant; the seed contains the antitumor compound b-sitosterol and has been used as a folk remedy for tumours; when consumed regularly, oat germ reduces blood cholesterol levels; oat straw and the grain are prescribed to treat general debility and a wide range of nervous conditions.