BehaketaThelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P.St.Johnobserved byAAndrzej KonstantynowiczAndrzej Konstantynowicz2024(e)ko abuztuaren 20(a)
observed byAndrzej KonstantynowiczAndrzej Konstantynowicz
2024(e)ko abuztuaren 20(a)
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Datu gehigarriak
Noiz sortua
2024ko abu. 22a
Berrikusitako azkenak
2024ko abu. 24a
Łódź, Palmiarnia greenhouse
Native to the tropical and subtropical regions ranging from southern Mexico to northern Argentina.
Edible plant - juvenile fronds used as vegetable.
Herbal plant - has been found to be an herbal medicine, as it has
antibacterial properties from the alcoholic and chloroform extracts.
Usable plant - it is used as a poison (fishing?); entire plant is used as fodder.