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Date created
23 דצמ׳ 2021
Last revised
9 אוק׳ 2023
Łódź, Bałuty
Important bees feeding plant.
Edible plant - young leaves raw; chocolate substitute can be made from a paste of the ground-up flowers and immature fruit; herb tea is made from the flowers.
Herbal plant - a charcoal made from the wood is used in the treatment of gastric or dyspeptic disturbances and is also made into a powder then applied to burns or sore places; lime flower tea is also used internally in the treatment of indigestion, hypertension, hardening of the arteries, hysteria, nervous vomiting or palpitation; fresh or dried flowers is antispasmodic, diaphoretic, expectorant, hypotensive, laxative and sedative.
Useful plant - fibre from the inner bark is used to make mats, shoes, baskets, ropes, etc.