यूज़र्सMarie Lev
The emerging!
Shoots, leaf buds, flower buds - the promise of new life coming into existence! All the year round - not only in the springtime! And young flowers, young blossom, young leaves - the privilege of youth... Many thanks to all colleagues for the wonderful collection of observations!
Medicinal plants, Herbs, foraging for wild edibles, practice in the field
Daily practice in the field, botany college/grade 11 (and up) identification of medicinal plants, herbs, increase foraging skills for wild edibles, differentiating similar looking plants, foraging in the different seasons. Craft of plants for culinary uses: oils,sugars, salts, jams,jellies, pickles, preserves.Bushcraft, Wildcraft, homesteading, to home gardening.
Les plantes aromatiques et médicinales
Ce groupe est créé pour vulgariser les bienfaits et vertus thérapeutiques et culinaires des plantes aromatiques. C'est une occasion de découvrir les plantes aromatiques d'autres contrées.
Plants on the border or even submerged!
Let's collect plants spending their life in the water or on the border - in the swamps, bogs, marshes, which need high level of water to survive. Which will die if we meliorate everything and build banks made of stone. Please, do not publish: - epiphytic cacti, - plants in a vase, - plants adorned with droplets of spring rain, - and other ideas not in the scope of view of this group. Good luck wading along the border! Many thanks to all colleagues for the wonderful collection of observations!
World of ferns 🌿
For all passionate admirers of ferns around the world 🌿 Feel free to share, discuss and peer-review all corresponding observations 🤗
Favorite Edible Plants
Plants that are not only edible, but also enjoyable to eat! Please share your experiences with the plants, your preparation recommendations, and flavor observations in the comments. Recipes welcome!
Wild Edible Plants Europe
🌿herbs and spices🌿
Welcome to all plants but mainly edible ones,
#EdibleEverydayWeeds ☘️☘️☘️
Any old weeds growing along pavements and things like that, AS LONG AS THEY ARE EDIBLE!! (plants that grew by themselves) 😉💚💚🌱🌱
Plané rostliny České republiky // Wild plants of Czech Republic
Přidávejte své nálezy planě rostoucích rostlin z české krajiny. Společně vytvořme sbírku krás, které nám Česká republika nabízí a naučme se je rozeznávat. Nebojte se psát podnětné komentáře!
For edible plants and plants with medicinal uses only. Please provide their uses in the comments of their post if possible.
Plantes comestibles et medicinales
Petit "herbier" participatif de plantes comestibles et médicinales en tous genres avec description de leurs propriétés et de leurs utilisations.