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Data di creazione
30 lug 2022
Ultima revisione
9 ott 2023
Edible plant - fruits raw or cooked, fruits vary considerably from cultivar to cultivar; seeds raw or cooked, have an agreeable almond smell and flavour.
Herbal plant - the dried fruits, known as prunes, are a safe and effective laxative and is also stomachic; the bark is sometimes used as a febrifuge and is styptic; an infusion of the flowers has been used as a mild purgative for children; the ground up seeds are used cosmetically in the production of face-masks for dry skin.
Usable plant - a green dye can be obtained from the leaves; a dark grey to green dye can be obtained from the fruit; a yellow dye is obtained from the bark; the reddish-brown wood is very close-grained, hard, compact.