Beauty of plants
This group is intended to gather observations exhibiting particular beauty of plants. The plants itself or poised on the background of Nature. The plants caught illuminated in an unusual way. The plants extracted from a background. Please publish observations satisfying these intentions, allowing exactly this group to be the permanent exhibition of the best works. Also take care, please, of the highest possible technical level of your photos. Do not publish works 'gray stem on gray background' or 'white lily on white background'. The administrators reserve right to remove such observations - of course after discussion with the author. All comments on presented works are welcome, in hope to be honest but not arrogant... Do not use anonymity in so called 'blog way'! Has such a group a chance to exist? Time will show... Many thanks to all colleagues for the wonderful collection of observations!
Fleurs Blanches et Roses du Monde Entier 🤍🩷🌍
🇫🇷 Partagez uniquement vos observations de fleurs BLANCHES ou ROSES (fleurs, arbustes,cactées…) du monde entier! 🌸🌷🌺🪷🌍 Tout le monde est le bienvenu! 😊 ------------------- 🇬🇧 Only share your observations of WHITE or PINK flowers (shrubs, cacti, etc.) from around the world! 🌸🌷🌺🪷🌍 Everyone is welcome! 😊
Plants cooperate with...
This group is intended to gather observations exhibiting cooperation among plants and animals, mainly arthropoda - not only insects. The bees are the first but not unique to cooperate with plants. The flowers are also not the only part which be of animal's interest! Recognition of arthropoda is strongly welcome although is not necessary. Also every explanation clarifying this cooperation will be appreciated. Please publish observations satisfying these intentions. Welcome and have a lot of... benefits! Friends, does anyone have photos of tiny hummingbirds taking nectar from flowers? Many thanks to all colleagues for the wonderful collection of observations!
The emerging!
Shoots, leaf buds, flower buds - the promise of new life coming into existence! All the year round - not only in the springtime! And young flowers, young blossom, young leaves - the privilege of youth... Many thanks to all colleagues for the wonderful collection of observations!
Plants are useful in many ways
This group is intended for collecting observations of plants which can be useful in any way for people. The main demand for to present here an observation is to accompany them with short information on how exactly this plant can be useful. This can be done in "Personal note" field. The geolocation is not a must, but strongly recommended for to maintain the planned, scientific characteristics of this group. In the "Place" field a more precise information of geolocation can be placed. My proposition is to use this field also for information about soil and environment of the plant vegetation. This proposition is very ambitious and time will show if the demands are possible to obey. Many thanks to all colleagues for the wonderful collection of observations!