Salix caprea L.
observado por
Andrzej KonstantynowiczAndrzej Konstantynowicz
4 de abril de 2010


Determinação proposta

Nome provável (Submeter nome)
michel vincent
adriana adriana
Reinhard Bachmann
Rolf Keller
Pieter Verbrugghe
Smilla P
Andrzej Konstantynowicz
100%Grau de confiança

Sugira outra determinação

Não concorda com as espécies sugeridas mas não tem outra sugestão

Salix caprea Flor
Dados adicionais
Data de criação
26 de dez de 2021
Ultima revisão
9 de out de 2023
Łódź, Park Widzewski
Flowers are female. It is native to the whole Eurasia. Bees feeding plant. Edible plant - the leaves are used as an adulterant for tea; the source of an edible manna. Herbal plant - bark is used as medicinal medium; formerly unique source of salicylic acid, which it is an effective antiinflammatory and pain reliever, and is also a valuable febrifuge; the ashes of the wood are useful in the treatment of haemoptysis; the stems and the leaves are astringent. Useful plant - the stems are very flexible and are used in basket making; charcoal is made from the wood; the wood is reddish or yellowish-brown, shiny, rather firm and tough, harder, heavier, and more tensile than that of many other European species of willow.