ObservațieGlinus radiatus (Ruiz & Pav.) Rohrb.observed byNNelson Zamora VillalobosNelson Zamora Villalobos12 iunie 2014
observed by
Nelson Zamora VillalobosNelson Zamora Villalobos12 iunie 2014
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Informații suplimentare
Date created
14 sept. 2022
Cel mai recent revizuită pe
29 sept. 2023
Guanacaste - Bagaces - Bagaces - P.N. Palo Verde - Área de Conservación Arenal-Tempisque, Cuenca del Río Tempisque. Parque Nacional Palo Verde, Sector Catalina, lagunas y bosques aledaños. CCR12062014.
NZ 6766 - Herb prostrate on the bottom of a lagoon, on very wet soil. Flowers green. 1.5 AE.