UtilizatoriSimon Flippo
🌲 Plants of Europe 🌻
All plants present in Europe. Welcome to all, and don't hesitate to share your observations in this group !
🌳🌸Flore de France 🌼🌿
Bonjour et bienvenue à tous et à toutes ! Ce groupe répertorie toutes les plantes que l'on peut observer en France (sauvage, jardin, ornement...). Surtout n'hésitez pas à partager vos observations dans ce groupe pour connaître les plantes qui nous entourent.
Flora italiana 🇮🇹
Vegetazione tipica del territorio italiano.
Iberian peninsula - Península ibérica
Flora de la península ibérica y las Islas Baleares. España, Portugal, Andorra, Gibraltar, Islas Baleares. Iberian peninsula, Spain, Portugal, Andorra, Gibraltar, Balearic Islands
Mediterranean Flora 🌴
Locations: Albania, Algeria, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, France, Gibraltar, Greece, Holy See, Italy, Israel, Lebanon, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, Morocco, Palestine, Portugal, San Marino, Slovenia, Spain, Spain, Tunisia, Turkey.
World of ferns 🌿
For all passionate admirers of ferns around the world 🌿 Feel free to share, discuss and peer-review all corresponding observations 🤗
Flora from Turkey
Türkiyede yetişebilen bitki turleri
Plants of Greece / Φυτά και δέντρα στην Ελλαδα
A collection of plants found in the general area of Greece.
Pl@nt in the Netherlands
Welke planten komen veel in Nederland voor? Zitten er ook geen inheemse soorten tussen? Wie zoekt er ook?
Poaceae from France
Share here tour observations of all kinds of Poaceae !
Plants of Slovakia / Rastlíny Slovenská
Plants observed growing in the wild of Slovakia, including native and introduced (including invasive) species. Voľne rastúce rastlíny pozorované na území Slovenska, vrátane pôvodnych druhov, ako aj nepôvodných a invazívnych druhov.
Flora of South Sinai
Flora of the mountains, wadis, and coastal plains of South Sinai, Egypt.
Flore Chamonix Mont-Blanc
Groupe fr regroupant les plantes de Chamonix Mont Blanc ( Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, Haute Savoie 74, France ).
Flore Tunisienne du Nord au Sud
Türkiye florası - Flora of Turkey
Turkiye'nin florasının farkındalığını arttırmak amaçlanmaktadır. Her üye gözlemlerini paylaşırsa çok büyüyebiliriz It is aimed to raise awareness of Turkey's flora.
Slovenija moja dežela
Namen skupine je določiti čimveč domačih slovenskih imen. S tem bi se uporabnost aplikacije za slovenskega uporabnika precej povečala. S skupnim trudom bi lahko izboljšali tudi prepoznavanje redkih (endemičnih) rastlin iz Slovenije.
Egypt's Wild Flora.
Wild observations and encounters from the vastly variant floras of Egypt.