用户GGabixone xxDGabixone xxD
Any and all plants 🌿🌲🌼
Like the title says... Any and all plants, this is for people who really like botany or just want to learn about plants. Really like tree leaves and flower pics... Need Members 💛
The wellness of plants, serenity and beauty in nature - that's what this group is about.🌹🥀🌺🌷🪷🌸💮🏵️🪻🌻🌼🍂🍁🌾🌱🌿🍃☘️🍀🪴🌵🌴🌳🌲🪵
Flowers only ⚘🌻💐🌺 Everyone Welcome 💛
Hi friends! Flowers only please everyone welcome!!! Needs Members 💛. A group for everyone who loves nature and flowers! Thanks so much for being the person you are!
“Bryophytes are a proposed taxonomic division containing three groups of non-vascular land plants: the liverworts, hornworts and mosses.”
🪴Potted plants / Plantes en pot 🪴
This group is for people who doesn't have a garden or just like to have many plants inside their house 🏡 To repertory and help people to find, or take care of their inside plants 🪴🏡 Ce groupe est fait pour les gens qui n'ont pas de jardin, ou aiment simplement avoir plein de plantes chez eux 🏡 Afin de repertorier, ou d'aider les gens à trouver, ou à prendre soin de leurs plantes d'intérieur 🪴🏡
Medicine cats' herbs
The plants used by medicine cats from "Warrior cats" series, main language is English (Forgive me eventual mistakes, that's not my native language;) ANOUCEMENT: I need rosemary on this group, if you'd post it, please...☺️
Healing Weeds & Herbs 🌿
Any plantlife that could be used/consumed in a medicinal, herbal, or otherwise beneficial way. 🌿
Flora Polski/Polish flora
Grupa dla poszukiwaczy i miłośników roślin z obszaru Polski. Od Bałtyku po Tatry i od Odry po Bug. Group for explorers and plants ethusiasts from the territory of Poland.
Moss is awesome! I looked for moss groups, and couldn't find any. So I made one. Doesn't matter where, doesn't matter when, just post moss.
Vitiligo Unite!
Group for people with vitiligo or albinism. You don't need to have any complex, for you're beautiful just who you are ❤