ПотребителиAAlda PereiraAlda Pereira
🌲 Plants of Europe 🌻
All plants present in Europe. Welcome to all, and don't hesitate to share your observations in this group !
🥑 Seeds&Fruits 🥑
Many thanks to all for the wonderful collection of observations! Seeds and Fruits of the World Semoj kaj fruktoj de la mondo পৃথিবীর বীজ ও ফল Dünyanın tohumları ve meyveleri 世界的种子和果实 Mbegu na matunda ya ulimwengu Semillas y frutos del mundo Семена и плоды мира Graines et fruits du monde זאמען און פירות פון דער וועלט بذور وثمار العالم
Houseplants, (common, rare, exotic, tropical, cacti, succulents, whatever!) Orchard, (fruit trees, grape, berries, etc) Garden, (wildflower gardens, SUNFLOWERS, vegetable gardens, garden with ponds, trellises, fountains etc) Everyone can join this FUN AND INFORMATIVE group! Share your pictures and leave a comment or question on someone else's post. Help eachother with questions and answers. AND GO! 😃
Cactus and succulents 🌵
A group interested in cacti and succulents only
🌳🪵🌱🌹Plantes du monde🌹🌱🪵🌳
Mettez toutes les plantes 🌱 que vous voulez et amusez-vous ! Pour tous les pays. Put on all the plants 🌱 you want and have fun! For all countries.
Flower Power
This group is not specific to flowers and is open to anyone who would like to join! In this group you can post flowers, trees, fruit, ferns, even cacti! I hope you join the group. ( I might not be on very often)
Les plantes aromatiques et médicinales
Ce groupe est créé pour vulgariser les bienfaits et vertus thérapeutiques et culinaires des plantes aromatiques. C'est une occasion de découvrir les plantes aromatiques d'autres contrées.
Medicinal plants, Herbs, foraging for wild edibles, practice in the field
Daily practice in the field, botany college/grade 11 (and up) identification of medicinal plants, herbs, increase foraging skills for wild edibles, differentiating similar looking plants, foraging in the different seasons. Craft of plants for culinary uses: oils,sugars, salts, jams,jellies, pickles, preserves.Bushcraft, Wildcraft, homesteading, to home gardening.
Iberian peninsula - Península ibérica
Flora de la península ibérica y las Islas Baleares. España, Portugal, Andorra, Gibraltar, Islas Baleares. Iberian peninsula, Spain, Portugal, Andorra, Gibraltar, Balearic Islands
🌿Eatable plants🌿
Questions and answers about fx fruit bushes and pictures of fruit bushes all around the World. Please join the group 😃👍 This group was named 🌿fruit bushes🌿 before.
Aromatiques et comestibles d’Europe
Toutes plantes et fleurs comestibles
Plantas de Portugal
Grupo aberto para todos os observadores e qulquer tipo de planta, com especial destaque para flora espontânea de Portugal continental Madeira e Açores .
ROSES ONLY 🌹 只供玫瑰使用
Can anyone describe the beauty of rose created by Mother Nature? Can anyone describe the scent of rose created by Mother Nature? Hardly!? But we can indulge in pleasure of contemplating beauty and variety of the Rose! Може ли някой да опише красотата на розата създадена от Майката Природа. Може ли някой да опише аромата на розата създадена от Майката Природа. Едва ли!? Но можем да се отдадем на удоволствието да съзерцаваме красотата и разнообразието на розата!
Bonsai Lovers
Group for all bonsai lovers who want to correctly identify their plants.