UsuarisССтрахил ИвановСтрахил Иванов
ROSES ONLY 🌹 只供玫瑰使用
Can anyone describe the beauty of rose created by Mother Nature? Can anyone describe the scent of rose created by Mother Nature? Hardly!? But we can indulge in pleasure of contemplating beauty and variety of the Rose! Може ли някой да опише красотата на розата създадена от Майката Природа. Може ли някой да опише аромата на розата създадена от Майката Природа. Едва ли!? Но можем да се отдадем на удоволствието да съзерцаваме красотата и разнообразието на розата!
Plants of East Europe 🌿🌲🌼
You are Welcome! Everyone is welcome to gather and publish information on plants of East Europe, (but not only)! Let us try to acquire and show Beauty and diversity in the world of plants among which we were born and are part of the world around us. We humans, are just one of the elements that makes up the vast variety of forms, colors and manifestations of that part of physical reality, we do not pay much attention in our hectic daily lives. Let us slow down and see the beauty of surrounding physical reality, and assume that we humans, are only an element of it.
Bulgarian herbs and plants 🌿🌲🌼
Всички желаещи да се включат в представяне и популяризиране на билките и растенията в района на страната и балканите, са добре дошли!