Spatholobus maingayi Prain
observado por
2sea my2sea my
19 de outubro de 2019


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#WildBird_Sky 🪶🦅
2sea my
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Spatholobus maingayi Folha
Spatholobus maingayi Folha
Spatholobus maingayi Hábito
Spatholobus maingayi Outro
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Criação de dados
14 de dez de 2023
Última revisão
19 de dez de 2023
Rhino Food Trail, Tabin Wildlife Reserve, Sabah.
*ID uncertain! Habitat: Observed on the trail developed by BORA Wildlife Station. The forest has a mix of majestic emergents, main canopy species (~30 m), & liana like Spatholobus. The species is reported to be common in primary & secondary forests. Habit: Being a large woody liana, only seedlings & side shoots are visible near the forest floor. It is said to have flattened, twisted stems that produce deep red sap droplets when cut. Plant description: *The pair of small, interpetiolar, oblong stipules are erect & observed easily on seedlings. The minute stipulule pairs are sometimes observed at the base of the leaflet petiolules. *The seedling leaves are unifoliate, although mature leaves are reported to be trifoliate. The lamina is ovate with rostrate tips, & the upper surfaces are covered in minute white hairs. Note: *The fruit pods are similar to a photographed S. maingayi specimen in Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 70(1): p. 87. *The fruit pods are similar to Kew Herbarium & GBIF online specimens & a photographed record of S. suberectus in Scientific Data 6(113) p. 2 (species recorded from Assam to Indochina). *The fruit pods are similar to the illustration of S. albus by Ridder-Numan (species recorded in Borneo). *The fruit pods are similar to the illustration of S. harmandii by Ridder-Numan (species recorded from Burma to Peninsular Malaysia). *The (seedling) leaves resemble a Kew Herbarium online specimen of S. acuminatus (recorded from India to Peninsular Malaysia). *The (seedling) leaves vaguely match the leaf descriptions for S. harmandii by Ridder-Numan.