Acer negundo L.
arsylwyd gan
Andrzej KonstantynowiczAndrzej Konstantynowicz
22 Ebrill 2012

Enw(au) cyffredin
Masarnen dail ynn

Penderfyniad arfaethedig

Enw tebygol (Enw wedi'i gyflwyno)
Miguel A. C.
Irmgard Groß
Ja Cad
Andrzej Konstantynowicz
100%Sgôr hyder

Awgrymu penderfyniad arall

Nid ydych yn cytuno â'r rhywogaeth a awgrymir ond nid oes gennych unrhyw awgrym arall

Acer negundo Blodyn
Data ychwanegol
Dyddiad crëwyd
27 Rhag 2021
Diwygiwyd diwethaf
9 Hyd 2023
Łódź, Park 3-go Maja
Invasive plant! Introduced to Poland at the end of XVIII century. Edible plant - the sap contains a reasonable quantity of sugar and can be used as a refreshing drink or be concentrated into a syrup; inner bark raw or cooked, can be dried, ground into a powder and then used as a thickener in soups, or be added to cereal flours when making bread, cakes; seeds after removal of wings boiled then eaten hot. Herbal plant - a tea made from the inner bark is used as an emetic. Usable plant - the heartwood is a creamy white, and is not clearly demarcated from the thick band of sapwood; the wood is soft, weak, light, close grained.