Cozy __Cozy __

Beauty of plants
This group is intended to gather observations exhibiting particular beauty of plants. The plants itself or poised on the background of Nature. The plants caught illuminated in an unusual way. The plants extracted from a background. Please publish observations satisfying these intentions, allowing exactly this group to be the permanent exhibition of the best works. Also take care, please, of the highest possible technical level of your photos. Do not publish works 'gray stem on gray background' or 'white lily on white background'. The administrators reserve right to remove such observations - of course after discussion with the author. All comments on presented works are welcome, in hope to be honest but not arrogant... Do not use anonymity in so called 'blog way'! Has such a group a chance to exist? Time will show... Many thanks to all colleagues for the wonderful collection of observations! 植物特有の美しさ。 पौधों की विशेष सुन्दरता. A beleza particular das plantas. جمال النباتات 植物之美 Красота растений

Fleurs Blanches et Roses du Monde Entier 🩷🤍🌎
Only share your observations of WHITE or PINK flowers (shrubs, cacti, etc.) from around the world! 🌸🌷🌺🪷🌍 Everyone is welcome! 😊 ------------------- Partagez uniquement vos observations de fleurs BLANCHES ou ROSES (fleurs, arbustes,cactées…) du monde entier! 🌸🌷🌺🪷🌍 Tout le monde est le bienvenu! 😊

The emerging!
Shoots, leaf buds, flower buds - the promise of new life coming into existence! All the year round - not only in the springtime! And young flowers, young blossom, young leaves - the privilege of youth... Many thanks to all colleagues for the wonderful collection of observations!

The International Flora
Considering the current situation on planet Earth, where more and more plant species are endangered and many of them are in the process of complete disappearance, this group was created with the aim of collecting as many pictures as possible of plant species around the world. The main goal is to point out the large amount of biodiversity, which we should all strive to preserve. Feel free to post your pictures and contribute to the beauty of this group. All new members are welcome! 🌱🌳🌲🌹🌺🌷

🌿Eatable plants🌿
Questions and answers about fx fruit bushes and pictures of fruit bushes all around the World. Please join the group 😃👍 This group was named 🌿fruit bushes🌿 before.
🌸💐🌷🌻🌲🌳🍇🍎🍑🍓🍉Share the beauties of plants and nature from all over the world (also Share the ❤️ love by liking other peoples comment)PS: anyone caught hating on other people will be removed. Also if you down vote an image pls comment why so the person can fix it later on🇨🇿🇨🇨🇨🇷🇧🇶🇩🇲🇮🇨🇬🇷🇫🇯🇬🇵🇬🇶🇵🇫🇬🇲🎌🇬🇾🇯🇴🇭🇺🇮🇩🇮🇩🇲🇭🇱🇷🇲🇻🇲🇭🇲🇸🇲🇩🇳🇿🇳🇬🇲🇾🇸🇲🇵🇬🇷🇼🇵🇸🇵🇾🇳🇫🇵🇳🇸🇭🇹🇷🇵🇲🇹🇻🇸🇧🇹🇭🇱🇨🇹🇰🇪🇭🇿🇲🏴🇼🇫🏴🇺🇸 Chia sẻ vẻ đẹp của thực vật và thiên nhiên từ khắp nơi trên thế giới 分享世界各地植物和自然之美 Comparte las bellezas de las plantas y la naturaleza de todo el mundo. दुनिया भर से पौधों और प्रकृति की सुंदरता को साझा करें Partilhe as belezas das plantas e da natureza de todo o mundo Поделитесь красотой растений и природы со всего мира 世界中の植物や自然の美しさを共有しましょう 分享世界各地嘅植物同大自然嘅美景 Chia sẻ vẻ đẹp của thực vật và thiên nhiên từ khắp nơi trên thế giới Partagez les beautés des plantes et de la nature du monde entier
Any and all plants 🌿🌲🌼
Like the title says... Any and all plants, this is for people who really like botany or just want to learn about plants. Really like tree leaves and flower pics... Need Members 💛

Plants from everywhere🪴
Let’s collect wild plants from all over the world in this group. No matter if they grow under or over the water. Feel free to join

Travels 🧳 AND Plants 🌺
In this group you can post your observations made on vacation or on a trip. 🌺🌱🪴 Everyone welcome! 😊😀🙂🤗

🌲 Plants of Europe 🌻
All plants present in Europe. Welcome to all, and don't hesitate to share your observations in this group !

Plants Love ❤️🌿
❤️🌺🌿🌷🌳 Love 💕

BOTANICUM (World Flora of plants) 🌺🌍🌎🌏🌺
Group for any, and all, flora of the world! ☘️🌿🎋🌹
Flowers only ⚘🌻💐🌺 Everyone Welcome 💛
Hi friends! Flowers only please everyone welcome!!! Needs Members 💛. A group for everyone who loves nature and flowers! Thanks so much for being the person you are!

Pretty Flowers🌹🎶
🌺🌷🌼 A group for sharing great photos of stunning flowers! Roses, peonies, irises, orchids, bougainvilliers, all sorts! 💮🏵️🌻

Plants are useful in many ways
This group is intended for collecting observations of plants which can be useful in any way for people. The main demand for to present here an observation is to accompany them with short information on how exactly this plant can be useful. This can be done in "Personal note" field. The geolocation is not a must, but strongly recommended for to maintain the planned, scientific characteristics of this group. In the "Place" field a more precise information of geolocation can be placed. My proposition is to use this field also for information about soil and environment of the plant vegetation. This proposition is very ambitious and time will show if the demands are possible to obey. Many thanks to all colleagues for the wonderful collection of observations!

Only TREES from the World 🌴🌲🌳
MEMBERS WHO HAVE NEVER SHARED OSSERVATIONS WILL BE DELETED Worldwide collection of tree observations. Raccolta mondiale di osservazioni sugli alberi. Colección mundial de observaciones de árboles. Tutmonda kolekto de arbobservoj. Всемирная коллекция наблюдений за деревьями. Weltweite Sammlung von Baumbeobachtungen. Wêreldwye versameling van boomwaarnemings. مجموعة عالمية من ملاحظات الأشجار. 世界范围内的树木观察集合。 Koleksi pengamatan pohon di seluruh dunia. Dünya çapında ağaç gözlemleri koleksiyonu. Iqoqo lomhlaba wonke lokuqashelwa kwezihlahla. ਰੁੱਖਾਂ ਦੀ ਨਿਗਰਾਨੀ ਦਾ ਵਿਸ਼ਵਵਿਆਪੀ ਸੰਗ੍ਰਹਿ. গাছ পর্যবেক্ষণের বিশ্ব সংগ্রহ। Światowa kolekcja obserwacji drzew Coleção mundial de observações de árvores. Collection mondiale d'observations d'arbres. Weltweite Sammlung von Baumbeobachtungen.

We Love Plants! ❤️🧡💛 The world of flora. Study of plants. Planty-twenty.🌺❤️🌺
Let’s develop our group together! 🌺😊🙂😜 Creator - WildBird_Sky 🪶🦅 Indoor and wild plants. A large number of views and photos. Plants of the world. Enter the group and study the plants with interesting photos. Share your photos. Plunge headlong into the world of amazing plants! Join the group — become one of us! Needs members! 🙋♀️🌿🌺🌱🌲 PlantPlanet Plants from tropical, temperate and Arctic zones. Flowers (and not only) of North, South and Central America, Africa, Australia, Eurasia and island countries. Everyone Welcome! 😀😊🤗☺️
🥑 Seeds&Fruits 🥑
MEMBERS WHO HAVE NEVER SHARED OSSERVATIONS WILL BE DELETED Fruits and seeds from all the flora of the world. Frutos y semillas de toda la flora del mundo. Fruits et graines de toute la flore du monde. Früchte und Samen aus der gesamten Flora der Welt. Fruta dhe fara nga e gjithë flora e botës. الفواكه والبذور من جميع النباتات في العالم. 世界上所有植物嘅果實同種子。 세계의 모든 식물의 과일과 씨앗. 世界中のあらゆる植物の果実と種子。 विश्व के सभी पौधों के फल और बीज। د نړۍ له ټولو نباتاتو څخه میوې او تخمونه. Дэлхийн бүх ургамлын жимс, үр. ਦੁਨੀਆ ਦੇ ਸਾਰੇ ਪੌਦਿਆਂ ਤੋਂ ਫਲ ਅਤੇ ਬੀਜ। פירות וזרעים מכל הצמחים בעולם. Fruktoj kaj semoj de ĉiuj plantoj en la mondo. Mga prutas at buto mula sa lahat ng halaman sa mundo. Frutas e sementes de todas as plantas do mundo