ObservaciónSpiraea chamaedryfolia L.observed byAAndrzej KonstantynowiczAndrzej Konstantynowicz23 de maio de 2007
observed byAndrzej KonstantynowiczAndrzej Konstantynowicz
23 de maio de 2007
Proposed determination
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100 %Confidence score
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Información adicional
Data de creación
27 de dec. de 2022
Última revisada
5 de nov. de 2023
Łódź, Park Helenów
Native to south-east Europe, southern Siberia and central Asia.
Ornamental plant.
Bees feeding plant.
Herbal plant - the species found to contain diterpene alkaloids which were found to exert a remarkable xanthine-oxidase inhibitory activity and a moderate antibacterial activity.