ObservationEscobaria hesteri (Y.Wright) Buxb.observed byEEOL − User:Butko/Info|location=Voroshylovskyi Raion of Donetsk|year=2010|topic=plantsEOL − User:Butko/Info|location=Voroshylovskyi Raion of Donetsk|year=2010|topic=plantsJanuary 1, 1900
observed byEOL − User:Butko/Info|location=Voroshylovskyi Raion of Donetsk|year=2010|topic=plantsEOL − User:Butko/Info|location=Voroshylovskyi Raion of Donetsk|year=2010|topic=plants
January 1, 1900
Proposed determination
Most probable name (Submitted name)
Escobaria hesteri (Y.Wright) Buxb.
Hester's Cory Cactus
100%Confidence score
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