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Regional floras
Pl@ntNet regional floras are based on WCVP. Govaerts R (ed.). 2022. The World Checklist of Vascular Plants (WCVP). Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. [accessed 27 October 2022]
Корисне биљке
Култивисане и украсне биљке
5.412 speciesExplore the species of this flora 9.126.882 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Корови пољопривредних поља Европе
1.426 speciesExplore the species of this flora 4.795.747 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Инвазивне биљке
Инвазивне врсте могу угрозити опстанак и окружење широм света.
1.081 speciesExplore the species of this flora 2.783.609 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Корисне биљке Тропске Африке
Биљни ресурси Тропске Африке
1.458 speciesExplore the species of this flora 925.809 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Корисне биљке Азије
Биљни ресурси Југоисточне Азије
2.106 speciesExplore the species of this flora 1.879.605 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Еколози из Еузера
Еколози из Еузера
245 speciesExplore the species of this flora 1.006.070 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Прованса, Француска
Flore provençale Dép. des Bouches-du-Rhône
2.198 speciesExplore the species of this flora 7.320.466 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Lewa Wildlife Conservancy
825 speciesExplore the species of this flora 459.076 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Plants of Ordesa National Park
141 speciesExplore the species of this flora 1.107.993 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Flora of the Cévennes National Park
2.392 speciesExplore the species of this flora 7.952.476 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Mediterranean ornamental trees
Trees and shrubs for cities and gardens of the Mediterranean Sea
230 speciesExplore the species of this flora 1.721.324 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Planted and cultivated crops
219 speciesExplore the species of this flora 1.257.232 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Desert Locust Biotopes in West Africa
Small flora of the Desert Locust biotopes in West Africa
237 speciesExplore the species of this flora 101.959 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Flore remarquable des Alpes-Maritimes
Flore patrimoniale des parcs naturels départementaux des Alpes-Maritimes
98 speciesExplore the species of this flora 734.119 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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ESALQ and Piracicaba trees
Trees and shrubs of ESALQ park and surrounding areas
558 speciesExplore the species of this flora 827.467 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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XPRIZE Rainforest semi-final
Tree flora of Singapore's forests
374 speciesExplore the species of this flora 16.325 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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XPRIZE Rainforest Final
Brazilian Amazon flora
4.460 speciesExplore the species of this flora 756.252 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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XPRIZE Rainforest Final - Trees
Tree flora of the Brazilian Amazon
2.520 speciesExplore the species of this flora 270.545 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Domaine Saint Jacques du Couloubrier
Flora of the Saint Jacques du Couloubrier estate
1.154 speciesExplore the species of this flora 2.941.282 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Weeds of sugarcane in Australia
Weeds found in sugarcane fields of Queensland and Northern New South Wales
327 speciesExplore the species of this flora 501.259 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Jardin du musée départemental Albert-Kahn
Jardin du musée départemental Albert-Kahn
180 speciesExplore the species of this flora 1.414.436 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Gardens by the Bay
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Gardens by the Bay - Cloud Forest
101 speciesExplore the species of this flora 59.162 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Gardens by the Bay - Flower Dome
81 speciesExplore the species of this flora 180.887 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Northern Europe
Plants of Northern Europe
3.596 speciesExplore the species of this flora 8.888.865 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Middle Europe
Plants of Middle Europe
4.921 speciesExplore the species of this flora 9.868.990 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Southwestern Europe
Plants of Southwestern Europe
7.227 speciesExplore the species of this flora 11.048.427 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Southeastern Europe
Plants of Southeastern Europe
6.959 speciesExplore the species of this flora 11.091.734 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Eastern Europe
Plants of Eastern Europe
3.708 speciesExplore the species of this flora 8.450.251 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Northern Africa
Plants of Northern Africa
4.291 speciesExplore the species of this flora 7.003.130 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Plants of Macaronesia
2.930 speciesExplore the species of this flora 5.632.414 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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West Tropical Africa
Plants of West Tropical Africa
3.443 speciesExplore the species of this flora 1.667.725 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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West-Central Tropical Africa
Plants of West-Central Tropical Africa
4.459 speciesExplore the species of this flora 2.406.778 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Northeast Tropical Africa
Plants of Northeast Tropical Africa
3.488 speciesExplore the species of this flora 2.745.386 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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East Tropical Africa
Plants of East Tropical Africa
3.775 speciesExplore the species of this flora 1.846.818 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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South Tropical Africa
Plants of South Tropical Africa
3.696 speciesExplore the species of this flora 2.132.328 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Southern Africa
Plants of Southern Africa
4.846 speciesExplore the species of this flora 3.559.809 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Middle Atlantic Ocean
Plants of Middle Atlantic Ocean
442 speciesExplore the species of this flora 1.287.001 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Western Indian Ocean
Plants of Western Indian Ocean
3.374 speciesExplore the species of this flora 2.684.086 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Plants of Siberia
1.896 speciesExplore the species of this flora 3.936.816 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Russian Far East
Plants of Russian Far East
1.928 speciesExplore the species of this flora 3.669.111 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Middle Asia
Plants of Middle Asia
2.628 speciesExplore the species of this flora 5.935.831 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Plants of Caucasus
3.151 speciesExplore the species of this flora 6.781.669 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Western Asia
Plants of Western Asia
5.450 speciesExplore the species of this flora 8.361.266 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Arabian Peninsula
Plants of Arabian Peninsula
1.933 speciesExplore the species of this flora 2.102.805 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Plants of China
7.025 speciesExplore the species of this flora 5.684.790 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Plants of Mongolia
1.080 speciesExplore the species of this flora 1.652.232 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Eastern Asia
Plants of Eastern Asia
4.486 speciesExplore the species of this flora 5.593.499 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Indian Subcontinent
Plants of Indian Subcontinent
6.703 speciesExplore the species of this flora 5.952.454 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Plants of Indo-China
5.039 speciesExplore the species of this flora 3.481.596 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Plants of Malesia
4.327 speciesExplore the species of this flora 2.382.610 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Plants of Papuasia
2.024 speciesExplore the species of this flora 1.061.577 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Plants of Australia
4.710 speciesExplore the species of this flora 5.478.953 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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New Zealand
Plants of New Zealand
1.680 speciesExplore the species of this flora 4.484.059 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Southwestern Pacific
Plants of Southwestern Pacific
3.677 speciesExplore the species of this flora 1.844.302 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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South-Central Pacific
Plants of South-Central Pacific
1.114 speciesExplore the species of this flora 1.804.933 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Northwestern Pacific
Plants of Northwestern Pacific
1.206 speciesExplore the species of this flora 1.655.697 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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North-Central Pacific
Plants of North-Central Pacific
1.397 speciesExplore the species of this flora 2.321.951 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Subarctic America
Plants of Subarctic America
1.206 speciesExplore the species of this flora 2.095.167 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Western Canada
Plants of Western Canada
2.465 speciesExplore the species of this flora 4.364.843 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Eastern Canada
Plants of Eastern Canada
2.632 speciesExplore the species of this flora 5.913.986 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Northwestern U.S.A.
Plants of Northwestern U.S.A.
3.874 speciesExplore the species of this flora 5.870.496 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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North-Central U.S.A.
Plants of North-Central U.S.A.
3.792 speciesExplore the species of this flora 6.517.366 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Northeastern U.S.A.
Plants of Northeastern U.S.A.
3.904 speciesExplore the species of this flora 7.864.314 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Southwestern U.S.A.
Plants of Southwestern U.S.A.
5.433 speciesExplore the species of this flora 5.966.875 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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South-Central U.S.A.
Plants of South-Central U.S.A.
4.181 speciesExplore the species of this flora 4.356.035 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Southeastern U.S.A.
Plants of Southeastern U.S.A.
5.148 speciesExplore the species of this flora 7.518.621 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Plants of Mexico
7.890 speciesExplore the species of this flora 4.142.180 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Central America
Plants of Central America
7.463 speciesExplore the species of this flora 3.494.706 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Plants of Caribbean
5.101 speciesExplore the species of this flora 4.179.843 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Northern South America
Plants of Northern South America
7.382 speciesExplore the species of this flora 2.284.185 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Western South America
Plants of Western South America
10.841 speciesExplore the species of this flora 4.463.040 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Plants of Brazil
9.492 speciesExplore the species of this flora 2.731.454 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Southern South America
Plants of Southern South America
5.549 speciesExplore the species of this flora 5.111.560 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Subantarctic Islands
Plants of Subantarctic Islands
405 speciesExplore the species of this flora 1.711.015 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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Antarctic Continent
Plants of Antarctic Continent
2 speciesExplore the species of this flora 3.328 сликеExplore the contributions of this flora
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