Surprising Urban Plants
Il s'agit des plantes des villes poussant dans des lieux inhabituels, normalement hors des parcs et jardins, par exemple plantes des friches urbaines, du bitume et des lieux incultes, ou surprenantes selon d'autres critères. This includes for instance city plants found at unusual places, in waste lands, pavements etc, generally not in parcs or gardens
Plants are useful in many ways
This group is intended for collecting observations of plants which can be useful in any way for people. The main demand for to present here an observation is to accompany them with short information on how exactly this plant can be useful. This can be done in "Personal note" field. The geolocation is not a must, but strongly recommended for to maintain the planned, scientific characteristics of this group. In the "Place" field a more precise information of geolocation can be placed. My proposition is to use this field also for information about soil and environment of the plant vegetation. This proposition is very ambitious and time will show if the demands are possible to obey. Many thanks to all colleagues for the wonderful collection of observations!
Any and all plants 🌿🌲🌼
Like the title says... Any and all plants, this is for people who really like botany or just want to learn about plants. Really like tree leaves and flower pics... Need Members 💛
Цветковые растения Европы и европейской части России. Делитесь яркими фотографиями и узнавайте много нового об удивительных растениях, которые обитают в Европе. 🌺🌺🌺
Everyday Plants
Purpose of this group is to share photos of plants that can be seen everyday in streets, at homes, on a nature walk etc.
"Malas hierbas ", No, Biodiversidad Urbana
Pequeñas plantas de ciudad que las valoran lo suficiente.
Wild plants of Central Europe
Let's collect plants growing wildly in nature of Central Europe. Everyone is welcome!
🌹🌸💐🌺🌷🌻🥀🌲🌴🌳🍇🍎🍑🍓🍉Share the beauties of plants and nature from all over the world (also Share the ❤️❤️❤️ love by liking other peoples comment)PS: anyone caught hating on other people will be removed. Also if you down vote an image pls comment why so the person can fix it later on🇨🇿🇨🇨🇨🇷🇧🇶🇩🇲🇮🇨🇬🇷🇫🇯🇬🇵🇬🇶🇵🇫🇬🇲🎌🇬🇾🇯🇴🇭🇺🇮🇩🇮🇩🇲🇭🇱🇷🇲🇻🇲🇭🇲🇸🇲🇩🇳🇿🇳🇬🇲🇾🇸🇲🇵🇬🇷🇼🇵🇸🇵🇾🇳🇫🇵🇳🇸🇭🇹🇷🇵🇲🇹🇻🇸🇧🇹🇭🇱🇨🇹🇰🇪🇭🇿🇲🏴🇼🇫🏴🇺🇸 Chia sẻ vẻ đẹp của thực vật và thiên nhiên từ khắp nơi trên thế giới 分享世界各地植物和自然之美 Comparte las bellezas de las plantas y la naturaleza de todo el mundo. दुनिया भर से पौधों और प्रकृति की सुंदरता को साझा करें Partilhe as belezas das plantas e da natureza de todo o mundo Поделитесь красотой растений и природы со всего мира 世界中の植物や自然の美しさを共有しましょう 分享世界各地嘅植物同大自然嘅美景 Chia sẻ vẻ đẹp của thực vật và thiên nhiên từ khắp nơi trên thế giới Partagez les beautés des plantes et de la nature du monde entier
Flower Power
This group is not specific to flowers and is open to anyone who would like to join! In this group you can post flowers, trees, fruit, ferns, even cacti! I hope you join the group. ( I might not be on very often)
Piante dell'Italia
L'Italia ha una vasta biodiversità, con climi che variano dal nord fino ad arrivare al sud, una terra vasta piena di piante e mille sfumature tra tropicali a conifere, l'obiettivo è quello di far conoscere il più possibile tutte le sfumature e le bellezze delle piante che si trovano in Italia.